Investigation 3

The levels of dissolved oxygen in oceans worldwide is a concern for environmentalists, capitalists, and beachgoers alike. When oxygen levels get so low that they are considered apoxic, the area is considered a dead zone, an area from which marine life flees to more oxygenated water. In saltwater, salinity levels determine how much oxygen can dissolve in the water. The higher the salinity, the lower the dissolved oxygen levels ( Compared to the Atlantic Ocean, for example, the Pacific Ocean in general has a lower salinity. The water closest to Japan is moderately salty. (

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With this information, we know that the water in oceans has less oxygen than fresh water. In Tokyo Bay, much of the oxygen in the water comes from estuaries that feed into the bay, helped along by wind patterns that move the surface water (Sato, Nakayama, & Furukawa 2012). Strong winds bring more oxygen to the bay, as do floods from the rivers.

In Chapter 5 of the textbook, we read about hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay, which was caused by overharvesting of oysters. Scientists who study Tokyo Bay are looking less to marine life as a cause. In one study the bottom of the bay was dredged, and the sediment was analyzed to determine whether the water was more anoxic or less anoxic than it was 30 years ago (Shozugawa, Hara, Kanai, & Matsuo 2011). The finding was that the bay is growing less anoxic over time, which is good news for Tokyo Bay.

The research that is being done on this topic is certainly a step forward for marine ecology, and for environmental science. The information gathered from hypoxic regions provides a variety of perspectives and ideas, such as the study of marine life’s effect on dissolved oxygen levels, as well as the effects of estuarine contributions and wind factors. To effect change on the environment around us, which we humans are also a part of, we must first take those steps to understand the workings of the natural processes that kept the world going for millennia before we arrived. For instance, scientists have come to know that hypoxia is more common in Tokyo Bay in summer than it is the rest of the year. With this information, we know that a study of the bay during the summer would provide the most accurate findings on the causes of hypoxia and anoxia in Tokyo Bay. From knowing the causes scientists can begin making proposals for the mitigation of hypoxia, like in the Chesapeake Bay example.

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The ocean is our largest reserve of water, though it may not be used as drinking water or for daily use in the home. It is also an invaluable resource, because of the diversity of life that it supports. We need our oceans, and if issues of hypoxia continue, they are going to need us.



Blumenthal, Les. (2010, March 8). Growing Low-Oxygen Levels in Oceans Worry Scientists. McClatchy Newspapers. Retrieved from

Sato, Chizuru, Nakayama, Keisuke, & Furukawa, Keita. (2012). Contributions of wind and river effects on DO concentrations in Tokyo Bay. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 109, 91-97. Retrieved from

Shozugawa, Katsumi, Hara, Naoki, Kanai, Yutaka, & Matsuo, Motoyuki. (2012) Evidence for a weakening ‘dead zone’ in Tokyo Bay over the past 30 years. Hyperfine Interactions, 207 (1-3), 89-95. Retrieved from

The Second Investigation


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The human effect on the environment has been termed anthropogenic, a new term which has distinct negative connotations. This is largely because the term was designed to describe humanity’s detrimental effect on plants, animals, the earth, and its atmosphere. (Oh, et al) It is important to remember in the course of studying the environment that human factors pair with natural ones in many cases. While human actions can cause damage quickly, so can nature. Many species of flora and fauna went extinct before humans were a factor. In light of anthropogenic factors, however, it may be for the best to mitigate or attempt to reverse the effects that we are having on the environment.

For example, the Tsushima leopard cat population has long been confined to the island of Tsushima. (Kyushu.env) A carnivorous cat, the Tsushima leopard sticks mostly to deciduous or coniferous forest in winter, and grasslands the rest of the year. A study tracking the movements of a Tsushima leopard showed that the cat tended to stay away from residential areas, but utilized artificial structures like cemeteries for resting places. The findings also show that during the summer and autumn months, when prey are more active, the Tsushima leopard will hunt its own dinner rather than feeding on the baits set out specifically for the cat. (Oh, Moteki, Nakanish, and Izawa)


(Picture from

The major factors of population reduction in Tsushima leopards come from both anthropogenic and natural factors. Road kills of the cats, along with destruction of forests, diseases transferred from domestic cats, and attacks from dogs have all contributed to the endangerment of the Tsushima leopard. Movements in Tsushima aim to deal with the human factors, and provide a literal breeding ground for the cats. Advertisements and education about road kills are informing and warning drivers to pay more attention to their surroundings. Communities are coming together to recreate the preferred natural habitats for Tsushima leopards. And, in perhaps the most useful approach, at the Fukuoka Zoo there are concerted efforts to breed the leopards out of endangerment. (kyushu.env)

One method of studying the Tsushima leopard cat seems quite innovative to me. Scientists have examined fecal matter from female leopards in order to study reproductive habits, while remaining non-invasive. This is beneficial to the scientists, as they can study the natural habits of the cats as opposed to, say, a study of breeding habits in captivity. From an ethical perspective, it also seems conscientious to allow the leopards as much freedom as possible. And now I know that hormone levels are apparent in poop. (Adachi, et al)

Only time will tell if the efforts to save the Tsushima leopard cat will be successful, but the conservation movement is so much bigger than this one example. This is true literally, in that projects to conserve wildlife extend to many species other than the leopard cat, and also philosophically. Conservation efforts may involve political aspects, such as the Endangered Species list which identifies at-risk species, or perhaps laws against hunting certain animals. It requires the contributions of ecologists, who can identify the specific role that a species plays in an environment, biologists, who work to understand the reproductive habits of a species in order to encourage breeding, businesses who will take part in the conservation process, like the cement company in Tsushima which donated land for the conservation of leopards. (Takarabe)

LittleCatThe example of individual species like the Tsushima leopard cat makes the broad issue of extinction and anthropogenic effects more relatable. This cat is barely larger than a housecat, and focusing on a single species allows students to see the extent of the effects on a species when diseases spread and mutate, when forests (Picture from are demolished, and when people are careless. Once a student understands those kinds of factors for one species, they can draw connections to other species, other environmental causes, and answer broader questions about the effects of species extinction.


Adachi, I., Kusuda, S., Nagao, E., Taira, Y., Asano, M., Tsubuta, T., & Doi, O. (November 2010). Fecal steroid metabolites and reproductive monitoring in a female Tsushima leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus). Theriogenology, 74 (8). Retrieved from

National Endangered Species Tsushima Leopard Cat. Ministry of the Environment, Tsushima Wildlife Conservation Center. Retrieved from

Oh, Dae-Hyun, Moteki, Shusaku, Nakanish, Nozomi, & Izawa, Masako. (March 13 2010). Effects of Human Activities on Home Range Size and Habitat use of the Tsushima leopard Cat Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus in a Suburban Area on the Tsushima Islands, Japan. Journal of Ecology and Field Biology, 33 (1). Retrieved from

Takarabe, Yasunari. Joint Forest Activity in the Habitat Area of the Tsushima Leopard cat. Retrieved from

Investigation 1


Every scientific inquiry begins with an observation, and most involve a passion for a certain topic. My original observation for this investigation was that here in America, we produce a lot of trash. My passion on this topic stems from a few places – for example, I am the only person in my household who takes the trash to the curb. I also have concerns about human use of our environment, and I’ve always wondered if there is an alternative to massive landfills. And, somewhat tangentially, I would like to learn more about Japan, its culture, and how the concept of “normal” is different there. Using these interests and a search engine, I came to the topic of trash burning in EPA regulated facilities, particularly waste-to-energy plants.

My initial findings were a solid place to start – I found an article which outlined the debate between those who favored WTE as a method of waste disposal, and environmentalists who were concerned about the effects of these plants. From seeing both sides I felt able to conclude that WTE plants are more environmentally friendly than digging holes in the ground to dump trash into. On an environmental level, it would be preferable to recycle and reduce waste production overall, but WTE is made safe by thorough EPA regulation. (Mezzoni)

My next point of investigation was an article about Sweden’s WTE practices. Like many European and Asian countries, Sweden has little extra land to turn into trash heaps. Thus, WTE has become a common practice, dealing with about half of all waste in Sweden. Some cities even import waste from neighboring countries for the purpose of powering the community. With rates of recycling also near 50%, less than 1% of all waste in Sweden ends up in landfills. The thought of that outcome in the U.S. makes me really excited. (Haugen)

Then my research got a lot theoretical. What would waste management and energy consumption look like here in the U.S. if we did move in the direction that Sweden did? Luckily for me, an awesome group of researchers just published a comprehensive study on this in July. One of the statistics that blew my mind: If WTE was used to dispose of all the waste that currently goes to landfills every year, the energy created could power 12% of all American households. That’s approximately 5 states, AND it doesn’t factor in the energy already created by WTE plants. (Themelis and Mussche)

WTEfactsAnother fact that took me by surprise is that plastics can be converted to synthetic fuels to power vehicles. It makes sense, since plastic is made from petroleum just like the fuel which currently populates the gas pumps. If all non-recycled plastics were converted to fuel in power plants, they would power over 5 million households. That is crazy! What this report is saying is that we are literally throwing away millions of dollars worth of electricity, every year. And we don’t think twice about it. To be completely honest, even with this knowledge I think of trash as smelly, disgusting material that I can’t wait to get out of the house. The idea that electricity could be cheaper and cleaner, however, is a matter of much excitement to me. (Themelis and Mussche)


A final thought: One day, we will run out of fossil fuels to power our homes and vehicles with. The common argument is that our generation will not have to deal with those problems, but we can’t keep passing the buck forever. The average lifespan is increasing, and so are the chances that the current generations are actually the ones who will have to deal with the issues of limited resources. Exploring, at least even considering, different energies while we are not in a crisis and floundering for a solution will allow our lawmakers, environmentalists, chemists, ecologists, and corporate leaders to make the best decisions for the future of our world. Trash burning is probably not the solution to the energy question in the long term, but it could be a transitional step toward reducing waste and decreasing American dependence on fossil fuels.


Haugen, Dan. (2013, October 17). Is Burning Garbage Green? In Sweden There’s Little Debate. Midwest Energy News. Retrieved from

Mizzoni, Mary. (2010, August 2). Is Burning Trash Bad? Earth 911. Retrieved from

Photograph of trash retrieved from

Themelis, Nickolas J. & Mussche, Charles. (2014, July 9). 2014 Energy and Economic Value of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Including Non-Recycled Plastics (NRPs), Currently Landfilled in the Fifty States. Retrieved from

Waste to Energy logo retrieved from

Waste to Energy waste list retrieved from